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/src/core/utils/ScalarField.h        Extends: FieldExpr        /test/core/utils/ScalarFieldTest.cpp

A template class for handling scalar fields

template <int N> class ScalarField : public FieldExpr<ScalarField<N>>;


A field wrapped by this class doesn't guarantee any regularity condition. You can wrap any scalar field which is just evaluable at any point. The definition of a formal derivative is not required. See DifferentiableScalarField or TwiceDifferentiableScalarField for inherited classes which force specific regularity conditions.

ScalarField allows you to wrap any C++ lambda encoding the analytical expression of your field and let you access to numerical approximations of both gradient and hessian as well as compose new scalar fields using a consistent arithmetic between field objects. You can even integrate a ScalarField over any triangulated domain. See Mesh for details.

ScalarField constitutes one of the most fundamental types in the fdaPDE architecture.

// define the field analytical expression: (e^(2x+y))/x
std::function<double(SVector<2>)> g = [](SVector<2> x) -> double { 
    return std::exp(2*x[0]+x[1])/x[0];

// to create a ScalarField object just wrap g as follow
ScalarField<2> field(g);

// or you can even omit the template argument thanks to C++17 template argument deduction
ScalarField field(g);

// scalar fields preserve the callable interface
std::cout << "evaluation of field at point" << std::endl;
SVector<2> p(4,1);
std::cout << field(p) << std::endl;

// you can access to gradient numerical approximation either directly
std::cout << "approximation of gradient at point" << std::endl;
std::cout << field.approxGradient(p, 0.01) << std::endl;

// or by building a VectorField callable object and evaluating it at p
VectorField<2> grad = field.derive();
std::cout << grad(p) << std::endl;

// you can even get an approximation of the hessian matrix at point
std::cout << "approximation of hessian at point" << std::endl;
std::cout << field.deriveTwice()(p) << std::endl;

// ScalarField can wrap also discontinuous functions: I_{x > 0, y > 0}
std::function<double(SVector<2>)> h = [](SVector<2> x) -> double { 
    if(x[0] > 0 && x[1] > 0)
        return 1;
    return 0;
ScalarField discontinuous_field(h);

// and allow you to combine different fields using standard arithmetic operators
auto newField = field/5 + 2*discontinuous_field - 4; 


The result of a field expression is not a ScalarField object. In particular a field expression is a callable object only and doesn't expose the same interface of ScalarField. See Wrapping the result of a field expression in a ScalarField object for details on how obtain a ScalarField from a field expression.

Field Expressions

Field expressions are supported by lazy evaluation via C++ expression templatates. The main goal is to let you in the position to write complex callables starting from simple ones in a formal way while preserving good performances.

Supported arithmetic operators code example formal notation
operator+ f1 + f2 \( f_1 + f_2 \)
operator- f1 - f2 \( f_1 - f_2 \)
operator* f1 * f2 \( f_1 \cdot f_2 \)
operator/ f1 / f2 \( f_1 / f_2 \)

The above set of operators is available also between a ScalarField object and any integral or floating-point type.

// define the expression you want to wrap
std::function<double(SVector<2>)> ff1 = [](SVector<2> x) -> double { 
    return x.norm();

// wrap f1 in a ScalarField object
ScalarField<2> f1(ff1);

std::function<double(SVector<2>)> ff2 = [](SVector<2> x) -> double { 
    SMatrix<2> M;
    M << 1, 0.5,
         0.5, 1;

    return (M*x).norm();
ScalarField f2(ff2);

// define field: norm(x) + norm(M*x)
auto f = f1 + f2;

// you can integrate this quantity over some domain
Mesh<2,2> domain(... domain data ...);
Integrator<2, 6> integrator;

std::cout << "integral of field over domain" << std::endl;
    std::cout << integrator.integrate(f, domain) << std::endl;

For more informations about mesh handling and integration see Mesh and Integrator


An expression of kind in the previous example has internal type FieldBinOp<ScalarField<2>, ScalarField<2>, plus<>>. For this reason when using field expressions use always the auto keyword to let the compiler infer the correct type.

Wrapping the result of a field expression in a ScalarField object

Even if the result of a field expression is not a ScalarField there is an usefull workaround to wrap this one in a ScalarField object. The main point is that a field expression looses informations about the domain dimensions where the resulting field should be defined. Hence by providing this information, i.e. by wrapping the field expression in a C++ lambda function, you can obtain a valid ScalarField object.

// define f1 and f2 2D fields...
auto f = f1 + f2/f1;

// wrap f in a lambda expression
auto fWrapper = [f](SVector<2> x) -> double{ return f(x); };

// define a ScalarField object
ScalarField f_field(fWrapper);

// can now access to gradient and hessian approximations of the composed field f


ScalarField(const std::function<double(SVector<N>)>& f_);


Args Description
std::function<double(SVector<N>)> f_ An std::function implementing the analytical expression of the field taking an N dimensional point in input and returning a double in output
double operator()(const SVector<N>& x) const;

Returns the evaluation of the field at point x. Preserves the std::function syntax.

Args Description
SVector<N>& x The point in where to evaluate the field
SVector<N> approxGradient (const SVector<N>& x, double step) const;

Returns the numerical approximation of the gradient of at point x. The partial derivatives of the field are approximated via central differences according to the following expression ( denoting the normal unit vector along direction )

Args Description
const SVector<N>& x The point in where to approximate the gradient of the field
double step The value of in the central difference formula


In principle the approximation of the partial derivatives require the field to be just evaluable at point x. Anyway if the field is not differentiable at point x the approximation might cause problems.

SMatrix<N> approxHessian(const SVector<N>& x, double step) const

Returns the numerical approximation of the hessian matrix of at point x. The partial derivatives of the field are approximated via central differences according to the following expressions ( denoting the normal unit vector along direction )

Args Description
const SVector<N>& x The point in where to approximate the hessian of the field
double step The value of in the central difference formula


In principle the approximation of the partial derivatives require the field to be just evaluable at point x. Anyway if the field is not differentiable at point x the approximation might cause problems.

VectorField<N> derive(double step) const;

Returns a VectorField representing an approximation of . The obtained approximation along a given direction is obtained using the central difference formula as in approxGradient().

Args Description
double step The value of in the central difference formula


A VectorField is a callable object. Evaluate the result of gradient() in a point to obtain the gradient approximation.

// the following calls give the same result

// evaluate the gradient of f in x once and store the result in grad1
SVector<2> grad1 = f.approxGradient(x, 0.001);

// produce a callable object
VectorField<2> callableGradient = f.gradient(0.001);
// evaluate the obtained callable in x
SVector<2> grad2 = callableGradient(x);

// you get grad1 == grad2
virtual VectorField<N> derive() const;

Returns a VectorField representing an approximation of . The obtained approximation along a given direction is obtained using the central difference formula as in approxGradient() with a fixed, not-controllable, value for the step size equal to 0.001.


This method is overridden in more specialized classes such DifferentiableScalarField and TwiceDifferentiableScalarField where the exact gradient is evaluated.

std::function<SMatrix<N>(SVector<N>)> deriveTwice(double step) const;

Returns a callable object representing an approximation of the hessian matrix . Approximation of second derivatives is obtained using the central difference formula as in approxHessian().

Args Description
double step The value of in the central difference formula
virtual std::function<SMatrix<N>(SVector<N>)> deriveTwice() const;

Returns a callable object representing an approximation of the hessian matrix . Approximation of second derivatives is obtained using the central difference formula as in approxHessian() with a fixed, not-controllable, value for the step size equal to 0.001.


This method is overridden in more specialized classes like TwiceDifferentiableScalarField where the exact hessian is evaluated.