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core/OPT/ScalarField.h        Extends: ScalarField

Template class used to represent a scalar field whose gradient function is known analitically at every point.

template <unsigned int N> class DifferentiableScalarField : public ScalarField<N> { ... };


DifferentiableScalarField(std::function<double(SVector<N>)> f_, std::function<SVector<N>(SVector<N>)> df_)


Args Description
std::function<double(SVector<N>)> f_ An std::function implementing the analytical expression of the field taking an N dimensional point in input and returning a double in output
std::function<SVector<N>(SVector<N>)> df_ An std::function implementing the analytical expression of the vector field taking an N dimensional point in input and returning an N dimensional point in output representing the gradient expression
std::function<SVector<N>(SVector<N>)> derive() const override;

Returns the analytical expression of the field's gradient as a Callable object.


Define a scalar field having exact gradient equal to

// define the field analytical expression: 2*x^2 - 2*y^2*x
std::function<double(SVector<2>)> g = [](SVector<2> x) -> double { 
    return 2*std::pow(x[0],2) - 2*std::pow(x[1],2)*x[0]; 

// define analytical expression of gradient field
std::function<SVector<2>(SVector<2>)> dg = [](SVector<2> x) -> SVector<2> { 
    return SVector<2>({4*x[0] - 2*std::pow(x[1],2), 

// define differentiable field
DifferentiableScalarField<2> field(g, dg);

std::cout << "evaluation of field at point" << std::endl;
std::cout << field.evaluateAtPoint(SVector<2>(4,1)) << std::endl;

// get approximation of gradient at point
SVector<2> grad = field.getGradientApprox(SVector<2>(2,1), 0.001);

std::cout << "approximation of gradient at point" << std::endl;
std::cout << grad << std::endl;

// evaluate exact gradient at point
SVector<2> exactGrad = field.derive()(SVector<2>(2,1));

std::cout << "exact gradient at point" << std::endl;
std::cout << exactGrad << std::endl;