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This page contains more detailed informations about available extensions and how to extending an already existing optimizer by writing a new extension.

Available Extensions

core/OPT/extensions/...        Namespace: fdaPDE::core::OPT

This is the list of currently available extensions:

  • BacktrackingAdaptiveStep

    core/OPT/extensions/BacktrackingAdaptiveStep.h        Extends: -

    This extension is for enabling the backtracking line search method to adapt the step size of an iterative optimizer during execution.

    For a function whose gradient is known, given an iterative optimization scheme: Let and three fixed parameters. Given the current solution of the iterative method and the computed update direction, the backtraking method computes before computing the solution update by producing a sequence using the following scheme:

    • set and
    • let
    • if stop and set , otherwise increment by one and repeat from the previous point.


    The extension injects the computation in the InitIteration checkpoint of the iterative procedure.

BacktrackingAdaptiveStep(double alpha_, double beta_, double gamma_);


Args Description
double alpha_ The value in the backtracking method (i.e. the starting point for the line search algorithm).
double beta_ The value in the backtracking method. Should be a value in between 0 and 1.
double gamma_ The value in the backtracking method. Should be a value in between 0 and 1.


The class provides also a default constructor which sets the three parameters to some default value. Parameter selection is really probelm specific and default initialization should be avoided.

  • Summarize

    core/OPT/extensions/Summarize.h        Extends: -

    An extension to report a small result of the optimization procedure.


    The extension injects the computation in the EndOptimization checkpoint of the iterative procedure.

Write a new extension


When the code finds a class intended to be an extension passed as argument to the optimizer's entry point it looks inside its definition to search for a well defined set of methods which will be then called in a well defined position. All happens at compile-time with no run-time overhead.

You can refer to the following snippet as basic footprint for future extensions:

#ifndef __MYEXT_H__
#define __MYEXT_H__


class MyExt {
    ... some internal state of the extension ...

    MyExt() = default;

    template <typename Optimizer, typename Objective>
    bool initOptimization(Optimizer& opt, Objective& obj){
       /* this will be called at the start of the optimization */
       return false;

    template <typename Optimizer, typename Objective>
    bool initIteration(Optimizer& opt, Objective& obj){
       /* this will be called at the start of each iteration */
       return false;

    template <typename Optimizer, typename Objective>
    bool endIteration(Optimizer& opt, Objective& obj){
       /* this will be called at the end of each iteration */
       return false;

    template <typename Optimizer, typename Objective>
    bool endOptimization(Optimizer& opt, Objective& obj){
       /* this will be called at the end of the optimization */
       return false;

    ... other methods ...

#endif // __MYEXT_H__

The return value of each method is used to stop the optimization at any point (i.e. you can make one method to return true if you want to stop the optimization procedure).

Developer's advice

In case the extension has effect in just one single phase of the optimization scheme you can avoid (and this is recommended) to define all the other checkpoint methods.

Make an optimizer open to extensions

An optimizer which supports the extension mechanism must have a variadic templated signature for its entry point as follow:

template <typename... Args>
std::pair<SVector<N>, double> findMinimum(const ScalarField<N>& objective, const SVector<N>& x0,
                                          const Args&... args);

Another condition to make the implementation in the position to process possible extensions passed as input is to insert in the implementation of findMinimum() a well defined set of static members (provided by core/OPT/extensions/Extension.h) which will activate the extension machinery.

You can refer to the following snippet as basic footprint for an extensible optimizer:

template <unsigned int N>
template <typename... Args>
std::pair<SVector<N>, double> findMinimum(const ScalarField<N>& objective, const SVector<N>& x0,
                                          const Args&... args){
    bool customStop = false;
    customStop |= Extension::executeInitOptimization(*this, objective, args...);

    ... initialization ...

    while(... && !customStop){
        customStop |= Extension::executeInitIteration(*this, objective, args...);

        ... optimization logic ...

        customStop |= Extension::executeEndIteration (*this, objective, args...);

    Extension::executeEndOptimization(*this, objective, args...);
    return ...;


The position in which checkpoints are inserted is the one commonly adopted in the whole module. You can change the position according to your needs even if is recommended to mantain this scheme in order to have a consistent logic across different optimizers.